Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Blogging about Blogging

Humpity Hump!
I thought I would talk a little bit about my blogging "journey" (Bachelor fans??) today with a little survey...

1. When/Why did you start your blog?

I began blogging in Summer 2011.  I was in a position with a lot of downtime at work and essentially began blogging out of boredom, I suppose.  K and I had been dating for 8 months or so and I was interested in keeping track of our life as a couple (I knew I was going to marry him very early on).

2.What was the first blog you ever read?

I don't remember exactly how, but some Google search vortex lead me to the blog What I Wore.  I had never heard of such a site where a normal girl shares her outfits and snippets of her life.  I became, for lack of a better word, obsessed with looking at fashion blogs.  It was so neat to think that girls like me were creating their own editorials!  From there I became intrigued with the notion of local Charleston girls doing the same.  While I didn't find any Charleston Fashion blogs, I did stumble upon Hungry Meets Healthy, and began looking forward to Christina's posts every day.
From there it was a spider web effect.

3. How has blogging changed since you began?

So many of the blogs that I initially started reading aren't around anymore, so that's a change.  But otherwise I have definitely noticed a shift in blogging since the rise of Instagram. I love looking at gorgeous images, staged or not, but there is certainly less of a "real life" vibe in several of the blogs I follow.  It also feels like there is more of a "corporate" edge to blogging nowadays.

4.  What do you enjoy most about blogging?

I love that blogging helps me put a positive spin on days that aren't so positive...I guess I mean that it can really force me to look at things in a glass-half-full sort of way.  I'm not going to whine or moan about a bad day on the blog, so it's fun to turn lemons into lemonade some days.
I really love being able to look back at my archives.  This blog is more of a journal than anything else.  That being said, I do love sharing this with others.  I don't do a really good job of commenting on other blogs, but I love reading them!  I love seeing what everyone else has going on!

I would LOVE to hear your answers :)

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