Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday Highfive

Happy Friday!!
Here is a highfive for making it through the week:
I picked these shoes up at Tomlinson's last weekend.  They were 5 bucks! I think they are actually orthopedic gardening shoes, but I've been loving them at the pool and running errands around town. 
April (Smidge of This) posted this and it is too true.  My plan is to try and entertain EB in the backyard with the pool and sprinkler for as many afternoons as possible this Summer.  Here's to hoping she gets more than 15 minutes out of it.
K and I booked a Cruise to Cuba earlier this year.  It wasn't until late next year, but we were still so excited.  We were very bummed to receive the update on the Cuban travel ban, and the email from the cruise line regarding an itinerary change.  Luckily, they are offering full refunds, but it still stinks.  Now we are trying to figure out what to do for our first vacation away from TWO KIDS late 2020.

We got caught in the sprinklers while visiting a local garden this week, and it was one of the best spontaneous happenings ever!  I am so grateful for these little moments.
I found out that I am 3cm dilated, 70% effaced at my doctor's appointment this week.  Here we go!  I have another check up this Thursday so we will see.  Sidenote: bringing a toddler to a doctor's office is quite the experience.  
Have a great weekend!

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