Monday, July 17, 2017


What's been going on with y'all lately... 
Here are a few photos from around here!
I had a package of brats in the freezer and decided to make kabobs instead of serving them on a bun.  Yum!
This was dinner last Friday night.
 After church last Sunday we tried the knew Sol location downtown, it did not disappoint.
 I am trying to create my own version of the Twine and Twig necklaces, buying one is not in my "costume jewelry" budget.  I really want to find a thicker leather strap, and I think the wooden beads are too large so I've already exchanged them out, but if it turns out well I will share a full tutorial here.
 I scooped these up from Costco last week and they were a perfect weeknight meal.  I served along with steamed edamame.

Pool days! Love my sweetheart's face in this one:
And bringing you up to speed, this is from this past Saturday when my mom and aunt watched EB for bath/bedtime and we were able to sneak out for a cocktail or two.
Ok so what did y'all think of GOT last night?  I didn't like Ed Sheeran's cameo...I mean, he's great, but it sort of brought me out of the fantasy world...I much prefer unknown actors in roles like that.  Anyway!  Still good Sunday entertainment.

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