Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday Misc

Happy October!!!  Here's a little catch up...


We had an awesome time at my 20 year high school reunion last weekend.  

Celebrating our 8 year old!!!

Last week I made pulled pork and pineapple quesadillas.  They were delicious!  We always have pulled pork in the freezer and this was one of the best ways I've used it.  
I thrifted these Ferragamo loafers last week.  So classic!

Have a great week!

Friday, September 6, 2024

THE BABY goes to school

 The Mr. Baby is off to school.  There were a few tears at drop offs this week but he has done really well.  

It has been surreal being by myself a few hours each day.  I keep checking the back seat if I'm driving, tip toeing around the house as if he's napping...It's an adjustment for both of us. 

 I'm excited for this new chapter of Mom life and so grateful for this time to figure out what's next!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Birthday and Back to School

Our baby boy turned TWO last Monday, August 12th.  He is so handsome, smart, funny, and sweet. 
 He's a wild man, running at full speed, sweat clinging his golden curls.
He's a boy digging in the dirt, singing his ABC's, and counting his rocks and sticks.
He's chasing balls, announcing any plane or boat in sight, leaving messes in his every wake.
He's a brother tucked between two sisters, trying to pop their bead bracelets and spill their glitter and glue.
He's chaos and joy and I truly can't imagine a world without him, surely it would be quite the boring place.

Oh, motherhood, what a trip.  Always in so many places at once.  Always trying to hold on, to let go, to get a grip.  I'm feeling like the answer, or I suppose lack of one, is to just surrender to the ride.  To do your best with the good and the hard, and to know that you just can't figure it all out.  
Oh, I always get sentimental around new beginnings...
This is our first official week with the girls back to school.  Kindergarten and Second Grade, let's go!

I'm going to have more time to write this year when J starts school in the 2's after Labor Day.
I can't even fathom the thought!!!
Have a great week,