Where to begin...
I think it's been nearly 2 weeks since my last 'Lately' post,
so let me catch y'all on up!
I'll start with my work awards event from a couple Wednesday's ago. This annual party is a pretty big project of mine and I really enjoy it. We always have the most delicious meal, including this snazzy red velvet desert! I ate the Lexus logo but I'm not really sure I was supposed to...

I spent the majority of the night trying to avoid being in the background of every photo, which worked out really well for me.

Following this event, I began preparing for a Couples "Stock the Bar Fiesta" Shower I was co-hosting on Saturday.
Sidenote: slicing limes is a pain in the booty.

We had a nacho bar, pinata, and lots of margaritas on ice!

Sunday we took it easy and I made one of my favorite comfort dishes, tomato cream penne with meatballs:

You can't beat this freshness, courtesy of K's dad's green thumb.

My favorite place on Earth:
Fast forward to this past Friday night, We went over to Voodoo for a dinner of appetizers, and to visit my girl Brittany. According to their Snack Food Zodiac, K (bridge mix) and I (twinkie) are ill-matched...

But that didn't bring me down, this girl was in a dancin' mood!

So then Saturday I was in a re-hydration mood. That meant a trip to Riso Noodle House for my first Bubble Tea experience in years. A big cheesy smile for boba balls!

Yesterday- Ding Ding!
Shower Round Two.
My mom and I hosted a shower for a dear family friend who is getting married in 2 weeks, eek!
On the table is a photo of us as kids, her dressed as a bride and me as what appears to be a bridesmaid/pilgrim (not Halloween).
Also on the table, my parent's (and my future) cake topper.

Phew, I think that's all I've got.
Tell me what you've been up to lately!