Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Bachelorette Weekend Survival Guide

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Call me crazy, but early this morning there was the smell of Fall in the air!
I hate to jump too far ahead, but it has me thinking about my upcoming trip to Asheville for Labor Day weekend.
Last year we had such a fantastic time at Wolf Laurel, but this year is going to be totally different.
It's my Bachelorette Party!
Today I want to share a different perspective on the Bachelorette Party.
Nowadays they involve more than just a night out on the town, it's a full on weekend affair!
I love the excuse to get away with the girls, but I'll admit that it can be a lot.
There is a lot of chit chat, a lot of money involved, and I'm generally left feeling totally spent.
I always have a great time, and so here are my 5 'survival skills':

1. Drive yourself!  I know that this is not always possible, but if it is I would recommend it.  There is something so mentally settling about knowing that you are in control of when and where you go.

2. Exercise.  I enjoy 'me time' and exercise gives me that. It's a chance to be alone with my thoughts, and it puts me in a better mood the whole weekend.

3. Bring good snacks.  Maybe I look forward to food too much, but any day is just a handful of dark chocolate covered pretzels away from amazing, a hunk of cheddar away from fantastic, a dumpling to delightful. I LOVE FOOD...so yea.

4. Don't Forget: Coffee, Comfortable Shoes, Reading Material

5. This may go without saying, but look at it as a mini-vacation and not an obligation as a member of the wedding party.  You will instantly be more relaxed and ready to enjoy the weekend!

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