36 Weeks and savoring the days with my one and only:

Can I just say generally uncomfortable and leave it at that??
The record breaking May temps we're having have made this last week difficult for me. I'm feeling tired and sick and READY!
Weight Gain
I am 4 lbs heavier at this stage than I was with EB. I was heavier going into this pregnancy and doing the math makes my head hurt, so that's all I can say.
I still need to wash clothes and get them in the closet and drawers, but otherwise we're ready to roll. She will be sleeping in the pack n play bassinet in our bedroom to start.
This weekend we are picking up an oversized chair with a pull-out bed for K's office. I would like to get a carwash and install the infant carseat next week. I need to practice with my double stroller (folding it, putting it in the trunk, etc) so I can feel confident with that. EB will be at Summer camp the week of the 17th and I'll use that to take a little time for a mani/pedi and to try and find a few inexpensive, flowy outfits that will make me feel good postpartum.
I did some meal prep which includes a few frozen quiches and blueberry muffins. I was thinking more about easy breakfast and lunch ideas this go around. I also compiled a list of easy dinner options that don't require the oven. Oh, and EB and I made a huge batch of Chex puppy chow, but at this point I'm thinking it will be long gone before baby is here.

That's about it for this update!
Per my appointment yesterday I am already 1 cm dilated. My hospital bag is packed and I'm on top of the few things left to do. I'll try to share nursery photos next week, and I've also got a post of a few #2 purchases I've made. Let's start countin' down!