B – Biggest Fear: Heights, Having Fertility issues, Something bad happening to my loved ones.
C – Current Time: 9:21 A.M.
D- Drink You Last Had: French Roast K cup, Southern Home style.
E – Easiest Person to Talk To: Really depends on the subject! K is the best listener I know, my mom is great to play devil's advocate, and my 2 besties can read between my lines. But I just want to say, I can talk to a wall so...

F – Favorite Song: It would have to be our first dance song, Sam Cooke's "That's Where It's At".

G – Grossest Memory: Eww, no.
H – Hometown: Charleston, SC

I – In Love With: NYC. And this coat.

J – Jealous Of: I guess I get jealous of perfect life blog/instagram mirages, but I appreciate people who keep it real more.
K – Kindest Person You Know: That would be my husband, Kevin.

L – Life Isn’t Complete Without: Love. Wine. Cheese.
M – Middle Name: Theresa, after my maternal grandmother.
N – Number of Siblings: Brother Bill, "William", who is 3 years younger.

O – One Wish: Right now I wish we had a bigger home. Our wedding gifts remain boxed up in stacks because we simply do not have the space. I know it's temporary, but it's my wish that we could expedite our house hunting timeline.
P – Person You Spoke To On The Phone Last: Mix 96, trying to win a contest on my way into work.
Q – Question You’re Always Asked: Lately it's been "How's the new job going?"
R – Reason To Smile: The sun is out and we're having turkey burgers for dinner and it's almost Friday!
S – Song You Last Sang: The Weekend, I Can't Feel My Face. SO. CATCHY.

T – Time You Woke Up: 7:30 A.M.
U – Unique Talent: Give me a topic and I can come up with a pun. Still figuring out how to use this talent for success.

V – Vacation Destination: St. Barths
W – Worst Habit: Picking at my nails.
X – X-Rays You’ve Had: My teeth, all of which seen here:

Y – Your Favorite Food: Of all the favorites, my ultimate will always be macaroni and cheese.
Z – Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius.
Tell me about YOU!
Tell me about YOU!