We had a nice 4th hanging around the house.
K grilled burgers and they were SO delicious.
My favorite summertime meal.
One year well check: Happy and Healthy!

We inherited some old Post and Courier newspapers from K's grandfather and I found a few ads from the 60's to frame. This is an ad from the hair salon in Belk at South Windermere. I have SO many vivid memories of shopping here as a child. It's where we bought our school shoes every year, had my make up done at Clinique for my "8th grade dance", bought my veil for First Holy Communion...very nostalgic for me.
In other "home" life, we are going to be replacing our counter tops in our kitchen later this year. This was on the shortlist when we bought our house, but we weren't able to do it, so I'm very excited!
We are also going to replace the sink, cabinet hardware, and window treatments. I also think I'm going to frame a couple of vintage grocery ads to replace the flower prints that I've literally had for twenty years.

Speaking of home projects, I feel like I've got a head full of commentary on the ridiculous consumerism filling my social media feeds lately. Of course I choose to follow these influencers, but I think I may be changing my mind. I'm a frugal person, so I'm not one to spend money anyways. But My Gosh! It seems as if it's growing on trees for some of these people...w don't even have jobs outside of instagram. Luckily I'm old enough to know that it doesn't, but what about young people just starting out seeing this?? I got into this world of blogging because of my interest in seeing the things some of my (mostly local) peers liked to do, eat, and yes, buy. But it seems a few of these girls have since won the lottery! I'll wrap this up so let me just say: Reality is (for some/most of us) saving up for new counter tops, NOT changing out already beautiful granite to marble because you didn't like a certain color swirl*
Note: I hate that this sounds bitter after reading it back. I'm not referring to women with real jobs who are wealthy and able to make whatever purchases they want, whether frivolous to me or not. I mean women who are constantly buying and linking on instagram, portraying a wealthy and carefree life, with no real job. That's what I call FAKE.