We have all been struck by a nasty cold over the past week and a half or so, but it seems to be lifting and so today I'm giving myself a highfive for making it to Thursday!
This is ALL I've wanted to do the last couple of weeks. But alas, my two year old has a lot to learn on the art of leisure and Alfie is #goals. I posted a similar picture back when I was pregnant with EB...he's still livin' the dream.

I'm not sure if I'll be having a shower or "sprinkle" for this baby, but I went ahead and created a registry on Amazon, for the freebies of course! If you complete their registry checklist they will send you a Welcome Box full of fun samples. Okay, speaking of registries, I am having a hard time anticipating our stroller needs. This is my current choice but I'm still researching. I LOVE my Britax B Agile but I know I'll need a double...

Potty Training. We began our "journey" this past weekend with the 'naked from the waist down, bootcamp style' plan. We didn't find the method to be miraculous, but it was a good introduction course. We've moved to pull-ups during the day and we're 'trying' to go numerous times. EB's preschool teachers are also taking her to potty a couple times a morning so as long as we're consistent and positive, we are doing all we can. I'm not going to force it because I know my daughter and I know that one day it's going to click for her. Frankly, I don't have the energy to do it any other way. In a couple of months I may change my mind...

Love this and can't wait to wear it at the beach this Summer!

I've been a book fiend over the past several months, but I've been stuck in the mystery/thriller genre. This was the perfect change of pace! I think that Showtime may have a series based on this book... I haven't seen it but I can totally recommend this as a quick, fun read.
That's all for now, hope all is well in your world!