Hey, Friday!
Here's a highfive for getting through the week!
I had hoped to get my three month update done this week, but I couldn't find the time to sit and focus and finish it up! I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but I am putting EB in my own baby clothes for all of the monthly "photo shoots". It makes the memory extra special for me.

Now that things have settled down in the baby department, I feel like I can revisit my House Project plans. I am currently focused on finishing up our dining room. I picked up a palm from Lowe's this week and I'm happy with what it brings to the room. I am going to be chalk painting the table to match the bamboo chairs and then I'll be hunting for a centerpiece of some sort to pull it all together. I am all about the eclectic, mix and match look, but it definitely needs something...

This week I had a day date with my besties and their babes. We had lunch at Three Little Birds and then walked the greenway. Fun! If you see a stroller caravan around town anytime soon, it's probably us :)

K brought this book home for me this week. I had mentioned that I enjoyed flipping through it at Barnes and Noble and he picked it up. I will be staying home with EB and want to be as proactive with her development as possible. This book has some fun ideas of things to do at different stages to keep the little ones entertained.

None of it is rocket science, but it can be hard to come up with new things to do all the time, no matter how simple.

Not sure if it's still happening, but I stopped into the Victorias Secret Semi Annual Sale last week and cleaned out their haircare supply. They no longer carry the products in-store, but every year there seems to be some rogue inventory at the Sale, so I make sure to stop in. They are always 75% off and I LOVE the hairspray scent. I think I have enough to get me through the next year or so...
Not sure if it's still happening, but I stopped into the Victorias Secret Semi Annual Sale last week and cleaned out their haircare supply. They no longer carry the products in-store, but every year there seems to be some rogue inventory at the Sale, so I make sure to stop in. They are always 75% off and I LOVE the hairspray scent. I think I have enough to get me through the next year or so...

TGIF, friends!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend.