Story of my life: Just trying to keep up with everything...including on the ole blog
These are some snaps from the past couple of weeks around here.
We had Supper Club last weekend and these three cuties were adorable saying blessing before dinner. Lots of care was put into each of their dinner plates and I think a total of three bites was consumed between the group of the them.

We took EB to Splash Zone last Sunday. She had a real appreciation for the lazy river, like her momma.

Here is a view of the new loveseat sleeper in K's office. Ready or not, sleep is about to become a scarce commodity around here and I think having this option will help K since he basically goes straight back to work.

Farmer's Market Wednesdays. We are ALL about the peaches over here.

Splash Pad Mood. Get outta my way:

Over the weekend we went downtown and I literally had to get out the car so K could find a parking spot around some of the cobblestone streets. There is a reason they call it Labor Lane and I am not looking to rush it right now.

We let EB splash in the pineapple fountain for a minute but we MUCH preferred the larger fountain down at Waterfront Park. There are so many dark spots and scary sharp edges on the pineapple, I am SHOCKED that any parents let their children run free there. 

That brings us up to speed. Throw in a few Chic Fil A lunches and there you have it.

Hope y'all have a great week!
We're on Baby Watch from here on out so I'll post when I can...
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