Happy Friday!!! Here's a highfive for making it through a funky, in-between-holidays, week!
Spoiled and oh so grateful, I wanted to share a few of our favorite gifts this Christmas.
St. Matthew's silhouette.
This is my second silhouette by Lewis Bowen. The other is a pelican that I know I've shared on the blog, but delving into my archives is not on my list today. Anyway, I love the glimpse of our church in our home.

Custom Bamboo Frame
K ordered this frame for me for Christmas and I just love it. We gifted all of our family with portraits of EB by Dubose, and we will be framing this one. I taped up the print to try and get some inspiration for matting color...any suggestions are most welcome!!

Jumbo Teddy Bear
This represents the LARGER THAN LIFE Christmas that EB had.
We have no where to fit him so he is taking up residence in the nursery glider.
Thank goodness for the toy chest from my parents for extra storage!

EB's Rocking Chair
She absolutely loves rocking out in this and it's so fun to watch her.
Notable mention to the radio flyer wagon, little table and chairs, and the play kitchen that I shared snaps of in my last post.
I saw this in a boutique on King Street after church one day, mentioned it to my MIL, and it landed under the tree.
Question: Is this inappropriate front door decor?
What was your favorite gift this year...to give or receive??