Hey y'all! I feel like I've got so much to catch up on around here!
Here is a highfive for getting through this week...and on to a long holiday weekend!
My absence the last week or so is partly due to being busy "teaching" VBS last week. I was the Music Leader and it was so much fun! My girl had a blast hanging in the nursery and also being mommy's assistant with the big kids.

Haps around the house.
Let's see. We ate our first homegrown tomato last week. K sliced it up with salt and pepper and it was the tastiest!

We had a food truck park on our street last Friday... and dinner was served!

Also, a tree fell in the backyard last Saturday night and we had to have it removed this week.

Summer fun with friends.
We have had a great time getting out in the sun and enjoying Charleston.
Pool Days:
I am pulling together some fun stuff for my gf's Bachelorette at the end of the month (July!?!)
I am still looking for a pizza float and perhaps a hotdog. ;)
Oh and this is the dress I am ordering for the wedding in September...we were given free reign in shades of purple. We'll see how it looks!
Not five, but SIX TEETH!!!
And currently cutting molars. Lawd help me.
I hope y'all have a fantastic holiday weekend!!