Maybe I should start calling my Wednesday posts Bumpity Bump for now?
I am starting to show a little bit, and depending on what I'm wearing you can really tell. I'm in no rush to gain weight, though! So far I'm up about 4 lbs. Now, it's worth noting that before I was pregnant I was already around 12 lbs over my "happy" weight. So there is definitely some redistribution going on.

We worked in the new house all weekend.
We worked in the new house all weekend.
I am so happy for Alfie to have a yard!!
That little boy was exploring and lounging in the sun all day.

Our much deserved pizza break over the weekend.
Sidenote: Water with 2 lemon slices is my drink of choice right now. So good.
Granite Shopping! Well, browsing I should say.
This is the favorite so far. We want a cookies and cream granite with more jagged markings versus dots and blobs. Very technical specs, huh?
These were the cutest flowers left at my desk last week.
Little floating arrangements. They appeared super simple to make, as these are flowers from the yard. But what a creative twist!
I hope that y'all are having a great week. We are totally slammin' over here-getting things moved and prepping the condo for our tenants to move in next week!
It's very bittersweet to leave my first home of my own. This is where I brought my puppy baby home, cooked my future husband dinner for the first time (I made my cajun cream pasta), so many memories. The best memories of my life! I have lived here for 7 years and, as ready as I've been to move on, I'm going to be sad to leave. I can already hear us, 10 years from now, reminiscing about sipping wine on our tiny porch, not a care in the world. We will miss this!
Last night I said how empty the walls felt without all of our artwork hanging and K said "Now we're going to fill up new walls" and it comforted me. It's still going to be hard to close that door, but I know the best is yet to come!
Talk soon,