I am feeling sentimental that TODAY is my last day being pregnant....ever. Tomorrow we will head to the hospital bright and early to deliver our final addition, completing our family of five.
Closing the chapter of "growing our family" is so bittersweet because it has been (so far!) the best times of my life. I really like to stay focused on "the best is yet to come" but I know that these are special days that we will look back on. It's funny to me because, compared to many friends/women I know, I was never one to yearn for children or feel a distinct pull to motherhood. It wasn't until I met K that I thought to myself "This is someone I want to have a family with"...and I still feel that way. We make a great team. So, while I've never been "a baby person", I have been completely fulfilled, in ways I never expected, by being pregnant and having kids. And I know I'm going to miss it.
BUT I am also so excited to move into the next phase of family life. I can feel just how much the world opens up when you get past the infant/toddler phase. I am grateful to get to do this one more time, but to also know that we can see past nap schedules and diapers. And I think that motherhood will continue to bring me purpose and contentment, that all of the different phases will be just as fulfilling/challenging. I believe in the law of attraction, and I know that the future holds good things for us.
Ok, dont want to go down a rabbit hole of manifestation...
I'm just spending some time thinking through the end of pregnancy and the beginning of....everything!
My oldest starts Kindergarten Monday and I am SO excited for her. She is beaming with excitement as well, which is comforting considering the wild weeks ahead.
It is sad that I'll never feel a baby hiccupping from the inside, or marvel at just how amazing a heartbeat coming from my stomach sounds. I'm going to miss how nice everyone is to a pregnant lady, especially one with other kids. I've never had more sweet smiles shined my way, or offers of help with the groceries...But I suppose I can look forward to my elderly years in this way ;)
Yes, I will miss a lot, however I also want to remind myself of the extreme nausea, food aversions, overwhelming fatigue/lack of physical energy to do anything. Feeling like a rather depressed/pity party version of myself for months on end... These are the things that I'll need to remember when an uncanny urge to go for number 4 seems like a good idea. Not happening future Laura!!!
I've spent this week feeling reflective and soaking in the final days of Summer with the girls:

Nesting mode: printing and framing some family photos:
I was able to book a last minute peppermint foot scrub/massage at Earthling Day Spa. It was so nice and relaxing, I could have laid there for hours.
Today I'm doing one last load of laundry and taking the girls for ice cream.
'Til next time...