I was trying to think of the different ways we are preparing for baby this time, and other than diapers and wipes, we didn't need to buy a thing! These are a few purchases I made in anticipation of Baby #3 along with some thoughts...
The DOHM machine is the only new piece of baby gear that we purchased. With MB we used the Shusher which worked great at lulling her to sleep, but the problem was her waking because she heard her sister playing. She dropped naps WAY too early for this very reason. The DOHM definitely drowns out everything, I want one for our room :)
The nursery currently looks like a storage room, but I have been inspired to make some subtle changes with a "sky" theme in mind. These cute wooden sun and moon are my jumping off point. I think some sort of cloud artwork above the crib... We also purchased a new rug so that will be fresh. We are going to try and finish this up over the coming weekend.

I bought this nap dress before I was pregnant (but with the hope in mind) and think it will be nice to wear for some photos or just relaxing at home. It's definitely a modern day house dress. I also bought a new pair of pajamas to bring to the hospital. Oh, and let me say how I much love the current trend happening with the biker shorts/oversized t shirt look, and plan to jump on this as my post partum uniform.
I found these sweet matching sailboat dresses for the girls at the Ragamuffins sale a couple weeks back. I'm planning on purchasing a coordinating look for little brother or sister...
Ok, hear me out... I already spend SO much of my time as a stay at home mom cleaning. I was feeling like I wanted to get a few *special* cleaning products that may make bring a small sense of pleasure to my day to day life. I've also purchased some of the Laundress detergent for towels and linens to make that chore slightly less annoying. This idea came about when I remembered my "self care" priority with Baby # 2, and how special bath/beauty products brought me a little boost.
Well there you have it. I'm so grateful to not have any major purchases this go around.
I'd say I'm feeling "cautiously optimistic" regarding the newborn stage. I was SO nervous going into number 2 and yet the experience was much better than with my first. I know we are about to become outnumbered and overwhelmed, but we are confident parents at this point, so we know we'll survive...one way or another.
P.S. Here are some thoughts on preparing for baby from my second pregnancy that I plan to repeat.