The last few weeks of Summer Break as a stay at home mom are...brutal. The days are long and hot and HARD. Trying to keep us all positive and find moments of fun, but really we are just hanging in there. Add in so much news of COVID school shut downs, and woof! It's been rough.
A couple of weeks ago I took the girls down the street to a little "Back to School Bash" at their preschool. It was hot as the blazing gates of hell in that parking lot.
And then EB came up, grabbed my hand and whispered that she wanted to have her face painted. I asked a friend to watch little sis and we walked over and picked out her design. It was a quiet moment in the shade, away from the chaos, and this little girl was so happy. It was one of my most heart warming experiences, watching my SWEET girl feel so special. The look on her face the entire time was just...precious.
I share this to say that, just when I found myself at wit's end, losing patience and letting the monotony of the endless days get me down, I was given the gift of watching my daughter experience a simple joy. And it kept me going just a little longer...

And now I can officially yell SO LONG, SUMMER! Because the girls are both off to school as of yesterday. 4k and 2k, Let's do this!
A few other happenings:
Matching sisters at church <3
Our First Annual Nielson Family Fish Fry! This was the perfect way to celebrate Labor Day Weekend.

Ballet is going so great! This girly girl is in heaven and was thrilled to wear her new accessories to class.
We got to meet Rapunzel at our bff's Bday! I think it's safe to say my kids have not inherited my independent spirit. At least for now. I try to think of how fleeting these moments are when the clinging becomes frustrating.
Now off to enjoy my last hour to myself, an uninterrupted lunch.