I think we've got a pretty good groove on these days, so I figured I'd share a day in the life. This is pretty boring stuff, if you're not a stay at home mom of the same age kids, but I wanted to share so I can re-read in the future and remember these good days. They are very routined and monotonous but not a day goes by that I'm not grateful for this schedule.
7:00 am
EB is up and we hear her come out of her room and head into the playroom. I roll over and say "5 more minutes" to K and shortly after we hear a pitter patter down the hallway and then "Mommy Rise and Shine!". Little sister is now stirring so I get her up and changed and head to the kitchen. The coffee is set to brew at 7:30 and I am at the point where I require a cup to start functioning.
MB nurses (distractedly) while I sip coffee on the couch and EB eats her breakfast. She is hungry from the moment she wakes up til she falls asleep. This morning she had oatmeal, strawberries, and half a banana.
8:30 am
We get EB ready for school and, if it's nice out, I walk them both down the street to her preschool.
10:30 am
Once home, Nap time is usually right around 9:15 and it's hit or miss if MB will do a short nap(45 min) or a long chunk. After nap she "helps" me do the dishes (sits in her bumbo and watches) and then she eats yogurt/cereal/fruit/etc.
11:30 am
MB plays (walker/jumper/play mat) while I get ready as quickly as I can and nurse her again. Usually at this point I make my lunch and get her in the stroller. If it's nice out I will wheel her outside and eat on the porch.
1:00 pm
We walk to get EB at school. From there it's sort of chaotic because MB's ready to nap/nurse again but also very excited to see big sis. I checked out this tablet from the library for EB to try out and, surprise, she loves it! She has never played on a tablet before so this is a special treat. It is pre-loaded with educational games, no internet! This has been her quiet time activity this week.
3:00 pm
Everyone is back up and ready to do something so we usually head to the library or playground depending on the weather. Or I run an errand with two in tow. Let me tell you, one of the biggest challenges for me with two kids is simply the loading and unloading to get out of the house. It's exhausting and usually all said adds 30 minutes to whatever we're doing. Today we went to the Lenevar playground which was fun.
5:00 pm
We're back home and I scramble to get EB's dinner on the table while MB is hungry and tired. MB gets fed puree as well while big sister eats.
6:00 pm
Daddy's Home!!!!!! We spend 15-30 minutes or so together as a family before bath time begins. I give MB her bottle while K does bath time with EB. Once the baby is down we get EB out of the bath and it's pjs and stories in her room. She goes to bed at 7ish and then I collapse for 30 minutes before starting our dinner.
7:30 pm
I cook our dinner. Tonight it's sausage jambalaya. I make this fairly often and it's easy and satisfying. EB will eat our leftovers for dinner tomorrow.
9:30 pm
I've showered and I'm in bed reading. Goodnight!

Not very riveting content, but I feel so lucky to live this life.